Help us bring a public library to the Hilltop!

PLEASE: Continue contacting city council, the library board, and the mayor until we see concrete results. We cannot let this issue fall to the wayside. Personalize and send our community action letter to city council, the mayor, and the library board of trustees. Send now, send often!


  • Attend and comment at Community Forums at City Council, held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 5pm. In person or online. Webinar link here. Make sure to show your support for finding solutions to expand library services to the Hilltop and Eastside communities despite budget shortfalls.
  • Tacoma Library Board of Trustees meets in person every 3rd Wednesday! New trustees have been added. Bring your questions about restoring library services to the Hilltop and Eastside, starting with filling the Outreach Librarian position necessary to do so. See their events calendar for info.

City Council Meeting Schedule updated weekly here.

How-to on speaking at meeting here.

HLPC talking points here.

There are many other things you can do too: 

Use your voice! In addition to sharing your thoughts with City Council at their meetings and via email, the League of Women Voters often holds voter and constituent forums where you can participate online or in person, so keep an eye on their events calendar too!

You can also submit a story, poem, or artwork about libraries that we can share on our webpage and may use during advocacy events!

Volunteer your time! We need volunteers for specific projects and positions all the time. Find our list here. If you have a skill to offer that isn’t on the list already, let us know and we’ll find a way for you to use it. Don’t forget to check out our Events page for upcoming meetings, advocacy events, and more.

Donate resources! To make a tax-deductible gift of funds or items we need to continue our advocacy, use our donations page. Books are always welcome and we’ll get them to the folks who need them!