We can always use volunteers! Below is our current list of needs, but if you don’t see one that resonates with you, let us know what you’d like to do and we’ll find a way for you to do it!
- COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS: Do you have experience getting communities involved with voting, local government, canvassing, ballot measure petitions, etc? We’re going to need your help! As we get closer and closer to returning a library to the Hilltop, we need active community members and organizers to step into these vital roles. We also need experienced organizers to help us direct our efforts. Let us know where your interests lie and we’ll get you plugged in!
Time Commitment: TBD - PARTNER ENGAGEMENT: Do you like making personal connections? Do you know everyone in your neighborhood? Have access to the internet? We need someone to reach out to potential partners–businesses, organizations, activists–who want to help us get the word out each step of the way towards a library on the Hilltop!
Time Commitment: Up to you!